
Category Archives for "Recipes & Resource"

How to install exhaust fan in kitchen

The kitchen is, without a doubt, prone to encounter moisture problems due to the heat involved during the cooking process. Almost all kitchen appliances produce heat which fills up the entire room and combines with the moisture in the air. ​This combination usually condenses and turns back to water once it comes into contact with the […]

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Clean Everything Lemon-Lime Spray

Ever wanted a cleaner that can be used to clean everything from your kitchen to the bathroom to the windows? We have a solution for you. You can make a cleaning spray which combines the three most effective cleaning agents- lemon, lime and vinegar.It leaves a citrus scent in your house which will inspire you […]

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10 Quick Breakfast Ideas

I’m sure you remember the old saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?  Well, approximately 15% of us regularly skip breakfast, with those most likely to skip being school aged children and young adults This is most likely due to busy schedules and simply not having enough time to eat before leaving […]

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How to buy the best blender

If you are wondering how to buy the best blender then you have come to the right place. There are different types of blenders on the market. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of blender would work best for your particular situation. Depending on what you are using it for a blender might […]

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